Monday, September 3, 2012

our new pool table. not edible

cantonese favors

These two dishes represent what I think is cantonese favors quite well - steamed oily fish (some sort of small silver fish?) with black beans and soy, and pea spouts in dried scallops and tofu sauce. Both are strong on umami, one from fresh fish and one from dried seafood. Made by H

shishito peppers

it turns out shishito peppers are quite good when stirred fried. with prince mushrooms and spring onions. made by H.

soft boiled egg

H is now an expert in making japanese style soft boiled egg. I think it is like 3 minutes in boiling water and then 3 minutes in the water after turning off the heat. very tasty to have it with soy and mirin mixture or soba dipping sauce if you have it.

gas grill in the balcony

we now have a gas grill in the balcony for the smokier cooking. Grilling Kobe (style) short ribs! The beef was from nijiya market and was very soft and tasty. We served it in a spring onion + soy + ponzu dipping sauce.

We tried black cod and eggplants with the grill another night.

First real meal at our new home in LA

Steamed pork egg pie, bitter melon in black bean sauce, brown rice and wine. We buy our produce from the nijiya market in "little osaka". they have good stuff. an upgrade from our usual sources in NY. made by H.

first meal in our new home in LA

Fried egg, instant rice and left over take out.

Friday, March 16, 2012

what do we eat for breakfast...

smoked salmon and silky scrambled eggs on toast with blood orange

unintentionally too-flat spanish omlette with chinese flat noodles in clam broth on the side ( how did that happen?!)

tomato soup with rice with really miscellaneous stuff that only H can dream of, and showoff-ly knife work on the fried egg sheet

beef meat balls fried rice with pripika. really tasty

lettuce with creamly clam sauce dressing (left over from pasta night). sounds weird but was good.
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valentine's day special

I went for the whole work just for the heck of it.

seedweed with marinated cucumber and orange zest

lobsters asleep

burnt brussel sprouts
lobsters died
souffle, frangelico and icecream

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egg white omlette - with egg york inside!

I never understood egg white omlettes. H made this peculiar one: egg white outside and running egg york inside. the point being egg white tastes better when crisped and egg york taste best when raw. Omlettes without cheese inside is hard to do well; so this can be a standard remedy.
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Tranforming the ordinary to extraordinary?!

This is what H turned a cup noodles into: fried egg, fish balls and meat balls that you can't see, lots of scallions, and of course seaweeds.
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pasta, pasta & pasta

home made pasta craze - this time it was a carbonara. Had no idea the word means miner's pasta...
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home made pasta continued

this time with one of my favorite quick sauce - cream and clams. this time the noodles were too thin. together with the warm sauce they lost their bite quickly.
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another chicken wings and mash

should really try if you haven't had this before. Way better than banger and mash. some of our favorite favorings: sour plum + miso, oyster sauce... huh, what else?
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